You Bet Your Life

‘All or nothing’ gamble succeeds’, BBC News

Thirty-two year old Londoner Ashley Revell sold everything he had, including his apartment, his car and his clothes, went to Las Vegas in a rented tux, and bet it all on red on roulette, and won. I don’t know if he did it for a dramatic Spring Break stunt, the adrenaline rush, or just to see who his true friends and family were. I’m just happy it worked out for him.

I think that is actually the lesson of Easter — that perhaps we should be prepared to give up what we are comfortable with in order to take advantage of new opportunities in our lives. I am sure that is what YC is up to in going to Taiwan.

Holy Weekend…

Some interesting bits:

Fascinating NY Times’ article on the joy of Passover, when Orthodox Jews find a way to enjoy the Ringling Brothers’ circus and still be kosher.

– An Easter thing:’s Explainer explains the meaning of the Peeps and Easter. Cool. So glad those little marshmallow-like chickies are only available once a year.

Fascinating NY Times article on a Henry Louis Gates’ project of a database on a database of African-American biographies. Gates feels that this an opportunity to fills gaps in history. Shelby Steele and other African-American conservative scholars worry that such a project only serves to put African-American stories outside the mainstream, i.e., it separates their stories under the guise of putting them on a pedestal. John McWhorter, another conservative writer, questions the impact of these stories being put out – will they really inspire people, or convince people that African-Americans are tragic – considering the many stories of sadness and injury.

– An Asian-American law school friend and I had this conversation that is sort of relevant to what I read in that article about the African-American bios and I wonder, so, what are stories telling us about others/ourselves? See, my friend was unhappy by how the American mainstream media, particularly the NY Times, seems to always cast Asians, particularly China and Chinese, in a negative way. I didn’t necessarily agree with her that the media was anti-Chinese – but then again, I tried to counter that it wouldn’t be consistently easy to cast China in a certain positive a light when the mainstream doesn’t approve of Communism (as it officially still exists in whatever guise in China, putting aside other questionable things about China, like human rights dilemmas and environmental fears, etc.). Plus, I took the view that the mainstream media in general didn’t report on international news properly anyway.

But, really – how do the stories that get told, and the manner in which they’re told, affect us? Do people perceive Chinese people in America or Chinese in China more negatively than they should be, because the media reports them negatively, if it bothers to report their stories at all? Will the African-American biographies – and by extention, African-American history in general – be seen as just tragic? I just don’t know. I’d like to be positive and say that media consumers are savvy enough to not just accept stories at face value and realize that history isn’t inevitable – nothing in history says that things must follow a tragic end. Some stories turn out to be inspirational, but we don’t that they are either sad/happy until we even look at them. History develops; it’s only in hindsight that we think/realize that there’s is a direction.

Sometimes, I think blaming the media is too easy. Sometimes, I wonder if more people can be independent thinkers and weigh what they read before they say anyone is tragic or inspiring. There’s no quick and easy either-or anyway – just a lot of grays, since no one, in contemporary times or in history, is perfect.

Well, enjoy the spring; nice weather today.

Sappy Thank You Note

Recap from my friend’s niece bowling birthday party in Pasadena.
[Typewritten on the back of an AMC bowling party post card:]

To: FC & P--

Hi P-- & FC:
Your Godiva chocolate were
delicious. I ate all of them
without sharing with
anybody. My brother stole
one chocolate & the nut got
stuck in his braces. He
deserves it! Thank you
very much for coming to
my party & thanks again for
the fancy chocolate.

That was really sweet!