The wierd things that I do for free food… in the past two weeks, I’ve worn suits and academic gowns for buffet. Stood on stage at Lincoln Center for Chinese food. Rode in a car for chicken. Now I’m doing desktop publishing for Korean food. I guess I must be crazy.
Day: June 5, 2004
Posting Madness
Gosh, looks like we’re all obsessed lately, posting so much! (good reading otherwise….).
It has been that long since Tiananmen Sq? Ah, demonstrating that I’m much too young compared to the rest of you folks, dearest honored and respected elders! (but, seriously, I wonder if events really are cyclical, and with Hong Kong in a status different than it was so many years ago, would status quo remain or real change occur? The history student in me doesn’t expect change; the naive optimist in me does. Go figure.)
On the side of too-personal-for-my-own-good-info – my dental appointment is actually Sunday, not Saturday (but brushing my teeth this morning, I just know that Dr. X is going to give me the lecture…). So, my reunion events can otherwise continue nicely and, again, thanks to a university that has internet access terminals, I can blog at this moment and check e-mail – yea to universities, the folks who are leading us technologically to the 21st century (may we someday all have free public internet access terminals near us (umm, no, not likely)) – then again, I paid tuition and loans and nominal donations, so why not take advantage of internet access when I can while I’m in campus?
Other update – almost a miracle that I woke up this morning and went uptown to this morning’s events – despite being exhausted from last night. Hallelujah!
Rant of the day: I know subway service sucks during the weekend, but late night service really really sucks (pardon my language, but “sucks” is mild, compared to other word selections). I could have sworn that NYC was a 24-hour town, but MTA takes the whole service-downtime way too seriously, with subway frequency coming every 20 to 30 minutes – making the rush hour frequency of every 3 to 5 minutes that much more treasured, I so do swear – and making my otherwise 1 hour trip into a 2 hour one last night (blech).
Besides Tianamen (I know I’m botching the spelling; I will edit later), there’s also the 60th anniversary of D-Day tomorrow. Interpret the anniversaries any way you like; food for thought is good for you – no calories consumed; mental energy consumed accordingly…
Not that immediate, but Malaysia and NJ would be areas I’d be posting from. To make it more geographically diverse, SE Asia may be a better catch-all… in case we may be in Singapore or Manila.
So has any one tried out the bookmarklet/toolbar thinggy? I remember in the first incarnation, I couldn’t figure it out to use it, but theoretically it’s a neato feature for me when I’m surfing and feel compelled to blather about it…