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Day off was not long enough

Anyway, so it has been back to work. Let’s see what’s in the newspaper…

Ever noticed the Asian musicians in the subway platform who play “The Godfather” theme? Ever guessed at their back stories? “Asian Music, Accompanied by the A Train” in the NY Times profiles a few; fascinating article about a group of immigrants who were accustomed to the grand halls and now trying to make a living underground amidst a time when the reverence for traditional music isn’t nearly what it used to be.

According to Michael Luo of thee NY Times in “Got the Time? At Grand Central, It Has Never Been That Simple,” Grand Central terminal has way too many clocks – and they’re not very consistent. But, soon, they will be. Maybe. At least, Metropolitan Transit Authority’s game plan.

And, so it’s a Kerry-Edwards campaign ticket. William Saletan of makes a nice analysis for why Senator John Edwards is such a “wise” choice. Good read.

Looking forward to the shortened work week…

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