Indecision 2004

I don’t know how Brooklyn people handle going to Columbia. I’ve been doing the trek up to 220th street pretty much daily, and it is boooring. Had a rare pow-wow with both my brother and my sister, at the same time.

Last night I was coming from a meeting in midtown, and stupidly got on the D, thinking it was old style and was going to Sheepshead Bay. No, now it goes through New Utrecht to Coney Island. No matter, took the Q back up. However, I missed The Amazing Race (watched it this morning on the computer recording). They were in Manila this week. The funiest line: “My ox is broken!”

Have to finish up on that travelogue, but it’s been busy. Maybe I can do it tomorrow.

Happy Bday to P– (I have to say that ’cause she reads this) and also to my mom. Yes, they share the same birthday….

Wednesday into Thursday

Hmm. Will the hurricanes ever stop heading to Florida?? (and do the rains of the dissipating tropical storms have to come to NYC to ruin our otherwise perfectly nice weather of late?).

NY Times — it’s the return of William Grimes, the ex-restaurant critic turned culture critic. In this article, he takes a shine on the learn-how-to-cook-a-meal in 30-minutes shows and books. Apparently, writing those food reviews for years made him (gasp) into a food snob (aren’t all the food critics snobs? well, what do I know). But, give Grimes credit – now that he isn’t hassling the restaurants so much, he seems to have developed a witty sense of humor:

It is worth stating at the outset that there is good fast food and bad fast food, and speed has nothing to do with the difference between the two. Canned onion rings over canned green beans, a casserole dish I recall from childhood, may be the bad fast dish par excellence. At the opposite end of the scale I might place veal chops in sage-butter sauce spiked with a little vermouth, a simple Italian entree I have made many times. Both dishes take about 10 minutes to prepare. One is satisfying and delicious. The other is a crime against nature. No one should ever dine at a quality level lower than veal in sage-butter sauce. At least not at my house.

I am happy to report that Betty Crocker does not call for canned onion rings in her “Quick and Easy Cookbook,” but the recipes do cater to a middlebrow concept of fine cooking that leaves me cold. Betty takes a nonjudgmental attitude toward margarine versus butter. Frozen or canned ingredients she accepts as a fact of life and frozen fish, too. If you don’t want to mince garlic, it is O.K. to buy it minced in a bottle.

Betty has a new look and a new hairdo. She knows about couscous, chipotles and salsa. But her heart belongs to the 1950’s. How else to explain dishes like cheesy tuna broccoli skillet casserole or maple-mustard syrup as a sauce for asparagus? The recipes have a train-wreck fascination to them, and some of the photographs seem almost forensic. Fudge pudding cake, for example, looks like a heaping helping of Alpo.

Geez, Grimes – are you trying to hurt Ms. Crocker’s feelings (or that of the photographers her company retains anyway). Alpo? Lol…

After weeks of speculation (and pretty nasty back cover page coverage in the NYC tabloids), the NY Mets have finally made it official – manager Art Howe is out of here, after yet another Mets lousy season. However, Howe gets to pull a McGreevey – yeah, he’s out of the job, but not effective immediately. (meanwhile, in NJ, Governor McGreevey continues his job; his resignation isn’t official because it’s not in writing; and yet a bunch of lawyers are taking it to court to force him to go already, so to let the NJ’ites have special elections and avoid other succession issues, never mind that this resignation was due to less than pristine circumstances). (as for the Mets, there’s no sense yet of who’ll replace Howe; oh well. I won’t hold my breath on that anytime soon).

And so it goes. I get bemused by the news, whatever I read or watch.

Subway reading is all right. My reading of the Harry Potter series is delayed due to other reading (obviously I wasn’t going to finish the series by the end of the summer; perhaps I can pull it off by the end of the year?). I’m in the middle of “The Da Vinci Code.” Hmm. I’ll probably have an actual opinion on it once I’m done. Right now I just feel manipulated by the author (which means he’s not a bad writer, but he’s really working it so that this ends up being a Hollywood blockbuster movie with action scenes to pick).

TV viewing — well, I’ll say more once I get a better sense of what is going on the tube. (“Everwood” – got to catch the season premiere on my videotape; that “Jack & Bobby” show on WB – umm, yeah, I think I do have an opinion there).

Other projects otherwise take up time (the writing stuff and other artistic endeavors – oh, who am I kidding there on that end – the frustrated artist in Brooklyn — no new changes to the website, leave it as is)…. can’t wait for Friday…

Interesting sites

I saw this ad posted on Forumosa today. Pretty cool I’d say!

NY Broadway production company scouting for performers for a new Chinese production of RENT touring China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao. THIS PRODUCTION WILL BE PERFORMED ENTIRELY IN Mandarin-Chinese.
All ethnic backgrounds welcome.Proficiency in Mandarin a plus.

You don’t need to know Chinese, just be up for the challenge.

Please mail headshots and resumes
And demo CDs if available) to:

Creative Productions International
c/o Matt Neufeld
1501 Broadway, STE 1313
New York, NY

Please also send an email to to let us know that you are sending us the requested materials.
Those NYU’ers :).

Another interest site about languages in SE Asia and a bit of the Chinese diaspora history can be found here.

Been super busy since coming back from Malaysia. I’ve been very bad at writing up my trip history and following up with FC’s journal. I hope to in the next couple of days and the weekend. I was supposed to be in Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand this week on the company outing but had to stay back to take care of some Taiwan immigration stuff related to military conscription service issues :o.

Thanks again FC for uploading the pics, wanted to know if they’ll go on snapfish in the album? B- just finished uploading 300+ pics from the wedding photographer’s lenses so would like to share that with you. The photog’s VCD is almost done. So let me know how you’d like to see it.

Hope you folks are doing well there.