
Thanks for the regards, FC. Yep – it’s been two years at the same job. As the saying goes, time flies when… (take it or leave it).

Yankees v. Bosox – yep, I’d blame it on the pitching. Not pretty tv watching (well, not if you’re a Yankees fan/non-Bosox fan).

St. Louis has just beaten Houston; World Series will be St. Louis v. Boston. Very interesting to watch.

Oh, and FC – have you noticed this spammer(s) on the blog? He/they have been posting odd comments to my past posts – and it has been clogging my bulk e-mail (well, I don’t care for the clogging part, but the comments were weird). I can delete them when I get a chance… (this weekend, maybe).

TGIF tomorrow.

Ol’ Man River

Ballgame over…Series over…Pennant’s over…. you know the rest. Pretty poor performance on the part of the Yankees. P– is probably not in a good mood…. I only heard it on the radio, but it sounded like it was the pitching that was at fault.

Listening to PBS’s Broadway series. It sounds something like Ken Burns’ Civil War miniseries documentary. While generally good, there are some serious gaps: what happened to the Three-Penny Opera (Mac the Knife)? They tag Show Boat as the first modern Broadway musical, although I think that Gilbert and Sullivan counts. Coincidentally, The Three-Penny Opera was based on another British musical, The Beggar’s Opera, which was performed on Nassau Street around the corner from J&R Music World in 1750. For more info, see Musicals 101.

For everyone trying to get an education at the Electoral College in this election cycle, check out Electoral Vote 2004. I don’t know how this guy can consolidate 41 polls a day.

Shoutout to ssw — two years at the same job! Congrats!.

Tuesday into Wednesday

Yankees v. Bosox – the saga continues. A historic Game 7 of the American League playoffs is on tomorrow.

Oh, and that stepchild National League playoffs, Houston v. St. Louis, is still on by the way – Game 6 tomorrow.

In the middle of all these sports, FOX has been promoting all its crappy yet-to-premiere new reality shows. And, I mean craptacular. I wouldn’t watch this stuff and the commercials are only making me want to avoid them – “My Big Fat Boss…” and then there’s “The Rebel Billionaire” to compete for Virgin’s CEO Richard Branson’s job (kind of watchable, but still silly – like I’m really supposed to believe that doing Branson-type stunts will really land someone his job of running the airlines and music and all that).

FOX’s promotion of the series “House, M.D.” is actually intruiging. Of course, I say that because I’m a big fan of the star, the British actor, Hugh Laurie, who’s playing House, a doctor who solves the causes of weird medical problems as if he were a cop. (a cooler looking version of NBC’s “Medical Investigation” – which hasn’t been nearly as cool as I was hoping it’d be). Laurie, though, is playing an American, so it’s jarring hearing his accent. But, he looks cool and I like that FOX is actually premiering a non-reality series.

Oh, and “The O.C.,” “The Simpsons,” and “Arrested Development,” are also being nicely promoted in the middle of the Major League Baseball playoffs. Hopefully FOX will get the ratings to show for this effort.

NY1 is doing an interesting comparison: “A Tale of Two Subways” – see how Tokyo’s system matches up with NYC’s.

Apparently, the attorney representing the woman suing Bill O’Reilly for sexual harassment is someone who was admitted to the NYS bar without going to law school.’s “Explainer” nicely explains how the admissions process worked for this attorney (although, I think most of us lawyers who went through the NYS admissions process probably knew about this explanation already).’s Chris Suellentrop posts that he heard Presidential candidate John Kerry speaking French – but the recording was hard to hear (or else Kerry’s French is a little on the garbled side). An intruiging listen anyway for me (yep, studying French for years is good for something). (oh, and Slate readers ended up translating for Suellentrop; Kerry apparently told Haitian-Americans that he plans to help Haiti).

Bring on the Yankees v. Bosox. I’m so not eager for a Houston v. Bosox World Series (for a number of reasons, but I’ll let the readership figure out the implications)…