You’re South Africa!
After almost endless suffering, you’ve finally freed yourself from the oppression that somehow held you back. Now your diamond in the rough is shining through, and the world can accept you for who you really are. You were trying to show who you were to the world, but they weren’t interested in helping you become that until it was almost too late. Suddenly you’re a very hopeful person, even if you still have some troubles.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
What country are you?

Ummm, okay. I had a feeling these choices would lead me to a weird answer…
You’re Iraq!
An outcast from all you meet, you have very few friends who haven’t
later backstabbed you in some way or another. And you’ve made your share of mistakes…
a little torture, a little coercion, a little stealing, it was all part of a day’s work.
It’s hard to say if it deserves the kind of treatment you’re getting now, though.
When people look for someone to point to with a worse life than they have, they think
of you first.Take
the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
I’m colombia!
You do a lot of drugs, and these have kind of distorted your view of
reality, to the point that everyone looks like an enemy. You keep trying to restore
order over your schizophrenic world view, but you don’t even know which goal is your own
and which is someone else’s. You’re pretty sure someone needs to be punished for all
this, but who that is changes all the time. Things would be a lot better for you if
you switched to coffee, or even to decaf, but all this money would be hard to give up.
That’s hilarious ssw15