Thursday into Friday

So, the whole big news of the day: Harriet Miers, Supreme Court nominee, withdrew. On the one hand, we could see it coming. She didn’t look like quality; she may be a good lawyer, but she wasn’t the epitome of a nominee. The Right Wingers had to be reassured by the White House’s tack of “She’s a conservative,” but evidentally, not quite (which scared the hell out of the Right Wingers). The Democrats could only stand back, and it means what? No one defended Miers on a substantive sense. And, now she’s out. It felt bad, because this means what, exactly – that we’re going to face a true conservative nominee to placate the Right Wingers? It’s making me nervous, I daresay. I have yet to read the analyses on-line or the newspapers, but it looks like we’re back to the drawing board in terms of watching the White House pick who again. The bright side in this is that at least Sandra Day O’Connor is still in the Court.

The White House is supposed to be busy anyway.

The latest “Doonesbury” continues to be amusing (or sad, if you want to think of it in another way), as J.J. continues to demonstrate how very much out of her teenager’s life she really is. J.J. wants to contribute to helping Alex decide on what college to apply, but didn’t even realize that her daughter is a geek. Alex has been a pioneer in the Internet, with patents and plans to go to a tech-inclined school, which Mike, the dad who supported this in the first place by having gone on-line all those years ago, is fully aware. J.J. didn’t even realize when Alex already took the SAT’s? Geez, J.J. is turning out so much worse than her own mom (Joanie got her act together and got her life in neater terms, with her career as a D.C. lawyer; J.J. probably had no sense to pull herself together).

And, Doonesbury had to pull its storyline for next week, in light of the lack of Harriet Miers hearings. Aww…


The passing of Civil Rights icon, Rosa Parks.

The passing of the NY Giants owner/football industry icon, Wellington Mara. Check out the Associated Press coverage – at least Mara got to enjoy the winning game on Sunday.

The latest Doonesbury storyline: Mike Doonesbury is taking his daughter, Alex, on the college tours. MIT, Cornell, Rensselaer, and… Walden? J.J., Alex’s mom, points out that this isn’t the ideal college. Alex figures it’s her safety school, and she’s a legacy (since Mike is an alumnus and so was, I believe, J.J.’s mom). Understandably, Mike gets outraged with his ex wife’s underwhelming reaction to Alex’s intention to apply to Walden. J.J. points out that even he took Walden off his resume. Mike weakly rebuts with “Well, it was years ago…” Walden, hardly the best college in North America. (ironically, it was originally Yale, since Garry Trudeau was using his alma mater as the home of his characters back when his characters were in a college newspaper).

I watched a bit of “Prison Break” on Monday night – goodness, is the actor Wentworth Miller (as the Prison Break mastermind Michael) a cutie or what? (umm, never mind – but I get all happy when he’s on the screen 😉 ah, well…). Michael’s teenage nephew, L.J., is heading into more serious trouble, as the Evil Secret Service guy is after him (and had killed off L.J.’s mom and stepdad; geez, Michael, do you realize how much deep shit your family’s in because your brother/L.J.’s dad is on Death Row?). Crazy and hard to stomach tv.