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We make it to Los Angeles in a relatively good shape. We made back the 20 minutes that we lost leaving late from JFK, and the landing was pretty soft. However, my tail bone is just killing me. We’re hungry, but the only two food choices at the terminal are Burger King and Chili’s. P- decides that the answer is to ask the See’s Candies lady, who recommends the Chili’s hands down.

The wait for tables was really too much – we were able to squeeze in at the bar. P- got a chicken breast dish that she thought was going to be a wrap, but was actually on a roll. I got the Phily Cheese Steak, which was actually quite good, except the guy sitting to my left, who was obviously inebriated, coughed into my dish. At least I had finished the sandwich ahead of time.

Onward to Honolulu….

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