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Insomnia !!!

I can’t sleep…. Past hour or so … I’m taking stupid tests from OKCUPID…. pretty hilarious stuff. Listening to Beethoven mp3’s while doing it.

Just finished the which girl type I like… Sorority Girl! 😮 {GAG}

The Sorority Girl
33% Sexy-Cute, 59% Dark-Light, 78% Artsy-Stylish

Sexy, neither Dark nor Light, and Stylish. OhMyGod! It’s the Sorority Girl! These Gap low-rise jeans totally make my ass look great, and they show off my designer thong… Don’t you love my shawl? So trendy! Let’s get those cute guys in the striped button-downs to buy us another Cosmo!

And for the type of “look” I rated :

Keira Knightley

53% Eyes, 33% Nose, 48% Mouth, 35% SexyCute

You seem to enjoy big eyes, small other features, and a sexy demeanor. I actually skewed Keira toward cute in the test, due to the specific pic, but generally she’s pretty sexy

indeed. Big eyes, small nose, smallish lips. Keira is hot. Hot, hot
hot. Which is probably why she’s been in about sixty movies in the past

Similar: Natalie Portman (cuter), Denise Richards (bigger lips)

If you liked my test, please remember to give it a decent score, and of course I’m always happy to hear feedback. Thanks!

Also, you could check out my Your Type of Girl Test.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 37% on Eyes
You scored higher than 24% on Nose
You scored higher than 43% on Lips
You scored higher than 7% on SexyCute

If you liked my test, send it to your friends!

The Beautiful Faces Test

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