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Back on the ROC!

Lots of people, when they ask me “How’s it going… how are you?” My reply has been “I’m tired”  I am really, I just can’t fake it anymore.  6 weeks on the road since mid-May, I’ve travelled on Cathay, Singapore Air, China Airlines, to KL twice, Singapore twice, Jakarta, London, Hong Kong twice…. Loads of FF and hotel loyalty points, but I need a rest :o.

B- was already here when I came back on the 5th.  She’d done a great job on the new apartment to make it very homey.  It’s nice to come home now.  New beginnings for the both of us in many ways, from the apt, being away, catching up, and also celebrating her b-day as well.  So it’s been good.  We did some apt shopping together, got a new convection oven, microwave oven as well as accessories for her new Canon A-530 digital camera.  Apparently she only had 16Mb so automatically upgraded her to 1G so she’s got like almost 700 pictures and she’s excited about it :).

Brought back a lot of goodies from the States… I got my b-day gift in advance already and definitely some of the best gifts I’ve ever got :D.  She picked out this awesome watch and a crochet scarf :).  Is very handy already!

Hope everyone is doing well.  Keeping cool here in the hot and humid Taipei summer.

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