
Sorry I’ve been OL the last few days. Hay fever got the worst of me this weekend. I stayed home from work on Monday. Here’s lots of catchup:
Happy Bday to AS and MJ!

In random order, Taste of Chinatown was on Saturday. Peking Duck House gets their act together, and we were able to snag a 5-pack of those delectable Peking Duck rolls. Checked out H2 Cards – an East-West wedding invitation card store. Found my friend’s wedding invite in the catalog. Not a bad price either.

Last weekend’s Atlantic City trip was nice. We had a group of three carshare down from the city. We passed what we thought was the accident site of NJ Gov. Corzine – the troopers were still searching for the guy in a red pickup truck, which turned out to be a casino worker. Keynote speaker NYC Council Member John Liu pointed out that Sharpton used Liu’s playbook in the Hot 97 tsunami song protest , but Sharpton was much more effective sooner in putting on the pressure on Don Imus. (Liu got to put the plan in effect again this week with another incident with CBS radio.)

Where to begin with the VT massacre? It will take years to over-analyze how this happened, from every angle (Asian/foreigner thing? no – 2 asian and 5 foreign victims; video games? no- Cho didn’t really play video games; gun control? mental health? school security? instant messaging? magnitude – do you count it as 32 or 33 victims? worse mass shooting (at a school? ever in the U.S. since the Civil War? – but this level of carnage happens in Iraq every day.)

This is today’s information version of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: either you muddle aimlessly through the fog of war, but can divine a guiding theory that explains all, or you have access to all knowledge, but there is so much detail that it is impossible to discern or learn.

The best that we can do is remember, and try to keep our connections to those that we love.

We drove back from Atlantic City last Sunday in the middle of the nor’easter. We were in the car together, watching this other guy trying to drive a three-wheeled motorcycle encased in a plastic poncho through the wall of water. A little faith goes a long way.

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