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Weirdness weather

Am in Beijing today and tomorrow, flying back through Typhoon Wipra perhaps on Wednesday.

Was a strange weather experience.  Overcast this morning and hazy. Ok but then the weather took a turn for the nasty ugly.  After lunch time, the weather turned darker and from the 19th floor, couldn’t see anything. By 3pm, it was like night time/midnight.

Air quality was noticeably stuffy.  Autumn is supposedly the best time for Beijing.  Temperature wise, it is very comfortable.   It’s the other stuff that makes it difficult to handle.

Last night, supper with one of my colleagues. We went to grilled meat place Beijing style.  Think of it like a Beijing style churrasco.  I even tried grilled silkworms. Tasty actually, but the crunchy skin was a little difficult to take.  It was like eating shrimp skin that was fried/grilled.  A little tough and not a fun experience.  Taste was good admittedly.  Will try again I think.

ready silkworms for grilling!

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