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The Fourth Third

Today’s Triscribe’s fourth anniversary.  Thanks for your part in continuing this story!

Mosquitoes: I seem to be attracting them the past week or two, or maybe it’s the same one. P doesn’t have any bites, but I’ve picked up a half dozen or so. There’s one really annoying welt on a knuckle on my left hand.

Old New: P’s brother took us to Medieval Times in New Jersey this past weekend (it was kind of an excuse, as he needed to bring four people so that P and her brother could get free birthday tickets). It’s pretty high on kitsch and bad puns (“the Knight Club”) but the horse riding skills are real, and the pageant was entertaining.

But of course we’re going to concentrate on the food and drink. P’s sister picked up a bottle of Bunratty Meade (which you can say is “authentic” as it is imported from Ireland, but not “authentic” under the legal definition of mead (without the ‘e’), as it is a blend of honey and white wine, not a fermented honey “beer”. It was OK, but the true mead that we had at the Ohio Renaissance Fair was so much superior.

The meal that we received for our dinner theater included dragon AKA beef vegetable soup, ostensibly made on site, but tasting of food service, half a roasted chicken – which I had to say was actually better than a lot of chicken dinners that I’ve attended – accompanied by herb potatoes and a spare rib, also quite good. This was followed by a apple puff pastry and some birthday cake. Have to say we left fully sated- the only catch is that we had to eat with our hands.

New Old:We had sushi at our usual place, Nanatori on Montague St. This was our second time at the place since their renovation, and we were with P’s brother. The food was pretty much up to par with its past skill in the kitchen. We mixed things up this time – chirashi, sushi deluxe, tonkotsu.

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