The Yale Daily News reports on a story of a Trinidadan Asian student who allegedly faked his application transferring into Yale. Apparently he claimed to be transferring from Columbia, and had previously transferred from NYU. Or did he actually go to Columbia, and had his identity stolen by NYU? Or did he take a leave of absence in Sri Lanka? He’s charged with larceny of over $40,000 in financial aid, and forgery, which together could result in a 25 year jail term.
In a NY Times fluff piece, people go searching out on the Internet for other people with the same name. I was only able to find 4 people of any prominence on the Internet, but there were 12 on Facebook.
Asian Alumni Dinner at the alma mater law school Thursday – should be fun.
The story about the student claiming to be from various schools is a strange story!
When I Googled myself with my middle initial, there’s just me (thank goodness). When I Googled my name without the initial, there’s another universe indeed. There were at least four persons with the same name, including an art gallery owner, a scientist, and some teenager. Facebook also came up with a bunch of people with the same name – but I won’t determine the level of prominence!