Monday — “How I Met Your Mother” — man, is this now my favorite show or what?! This season has been heartbreaking and funny and romantic. I may not have quite felt it with “Friends” (at least not since the early days of the Monica and Chandler romance), but “HIMYM” really does it for me, makes me giddy! (I could reveal what happened in Monday’s episode, but then I’d have to harm you, dear reader – go watch it!). Please, CBS, don’t hurt the series!
Former US Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky/Slate contributor (as Poetry Editor), providing answers to FAQ’s about poetry. I especially loved Pinsky’s answer to the last question:
“Well, I like poetry that is amusing, that maybe makes me chuckle a little. I’d rather read something reassuring and light than something complicated or gloomy. Is that bad? Does that mean I am a jerk?”
Good one!
Fascinating post from Time’s China Blog: Ling Woo Liu, Time Asia reporter, on a documentary about Chinese/Chinese-American actors who couldn’t get roles versus the yellow-face roles (i.e., white actors playing Chinese); the difficulties of the world of drama.
I had read this article about “the lazy girl’s guide to spring cleaning” in the paper version of Daily News some weeks ago, and found it again on-line; what I ought to do is get around to do real cleaning.
Some Earth Day items (although, really, every day should be Earth Day):
Interesting NY Daily News article about Kristin Jordan, a lawyer by day and designer by night – who knits tote bags and handbags with yarn made out of plastic shopping bags! Very cool!
Washington Post article about the disconnect of the meaning of Earth Day – we seem to be more proactive than ever, yet how it feels like we’re not doing enough (well, no, we’re not – not in the DC area and certainly not in NYC).
Last but not least: April 23 is Shakespeare’s (presumed) birthday. And, hmm, as much as I find all the speculation interesting, the point from this Slate article by Ron Rosenbaum on “Shakespeare for Everyone” is true: we have no (contemporaneously documented) evidence whether he loved or hated his wife or what religion or even personality he had. But, his work – what great work!
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