Memorial Day Saturday

Take a moment to think about the men and women who died serving this country.

Saturday: a mild cold has me with a sore throat and barely much of a voice; but went out to see “Iron Man” at the Prospect Park Pavilion. Fun movie! Robert Downey, Jr., uses his talent for good, not evil (much as his character Tony Stark, learns to become a superhero). Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, Stark’s executive assistant; Jeff Bridges as Obidiah Stane; and Terrence Howard as Col. “Rhodey” Rhodes – they were all quite good.

And, yes, you must stay and watch what comes after the credits – a possible hint of what an Iron Man sequel may bring.

Amusingly, the movie came after the trailer for the Batman movie sequel, “The Dark Knight.” Hmm! Different franchises (DC vs. Marvel), but the pairing was fascinating!

For your consideration, see: on YouTube: ItJustSomeRandomGuy has his parody of the PC/Mac commercials, with Batman and Iron Man understanding and appreciating their commonalities and differences (playboy billionaire superheroes with kickass summer movies). I’m embedding Parts 1 and 2 – too funny! Highly recommended!


NY Times continues to gather more details of the China earthquake, and less so the Burmese cyclone (not for lack of trying). Just the concept of this one-two punch is hard enough to get anyone’s mind around, and we’re still recovering from our disasters. To see both the big picture and that every individual life is special is something that we need to to be reminded of daily. A lesson easier learned for some than others – that they should do something, anything.

(Numbers from Wikipedia as of today)

9/11: 2,974 killed – 24 missing

2004 earthquake/tsunami: 283,100 killed, 14,100 missing

Katrina: 1,836 killed, 705 missing

Burma cyclone: 80,000 dead, 56,000 missing

Sichuan earthquake: 60,560 dead,  352,290 injured, 26,221missing

Coming Right Up: Three Day Weekend!

Hopes and prayers to Senator Edward Kennedy. This NY Times article by Carl Hulse was a touching article about the reactions to the news of his illness, and the appreciation of his legacy. He may not be perfect (no one is), but he has such a role in history (and the present) – there won’t be another senator quite like him.

Reuse, recycle, and reduce. If we start with colleges, we should move forward to spreading it to everyone else (see the linked NY Times article on NYU’s RRR plan for the students moving out at this time of year).

Monday tv: I watched “Miracles,” the season finale of “How I Met Your Mother” — funny, sweet, “what?!” — thank you, CBS, for renewing this heartwarming, funny, insane show! As noted in the TV Guide HIMYM blog, James Poniewozik’s blog on, and greatly detailed by the HIMYM blog on Television Without Pity, there were miracles (Marshall managing not to return to his Big Law Firm despite his begging – due to… lice – but then getting to avoid the inevitable firm bloodletting, since the firm was going to be indicted by the SEC; Ted survives a scary car accident without a scratch; Barney survives being hit by a… city bus; Barney and Ted – bros again!!), funny lines (Canadian Robin’s line: “I love Springsteen; he’s like the American Bryan Adams!” — okay, it was in the delivery of the line; Barney poses the date-time continuum theory – you apparently cannot plan plans with a date so far in advance that it’s longer than the length of time in which you’ve been dating each other); and the end – umm, somehow Ted proposes to Stella (I just don’t think she’s the Mother of FutureTed’s kids) and Barney’s look of love at Robin… priceless.

So looking forward to even watching reruns of HIMYM.

NY Times’ Bob Herbert is right – the candidates and Americans in general have to get serious:

The general election is about to unfold and we’ll soon see how smart or how foolish Americans really are. The U.S. may be the richest country on earth, but the economy is tanking, its working families are in trouble, it is bogged down in a multitrillion-dollar war of its own making and the price of gasoline has nitwits siphoning supplies from the cars and trucks of strangers.

Four of every five Americans want the country to move in a different direction, which makes this presidential election, potentially, one of the most pivotal since World War II.

And yet there’s growing evidence that despite the plethora of important issues, the election may yet be undermined by the usual madness — fear-mongering, bogus arguments over who really loves America, race-baiting, gay-baiting (Ohmigod! They’re getting married!) and the wholesale trivialization of matters that are not just important, but extremely complex. [….]

For once, let the election be serious. Show the hacks and the hypocrites the door. Argue substance. And then let the people decide.

From NY Times’ City Room blog: a story on St. Peter’s Church, a NYC landmark, near the Woolworth building and a stone’s throw away from the World Trade Center. Nice photo, by the way.

Really cool opportunity to evaluate photos submitted to the Brooklyn Museum and help curate an exhibit; a fascinating way to participate in an experiment on the nexus of art, on-line community, and crowd theory. Check it out – assessing photos ends by some time tomorrow and the exhibit is in the summer.

Click!A Crowd-Curated Exhibition

Open Call Begins March 1

Enjoy what’s left of the APA Heritage Month events.

Plus, May 28-June 1: World Science Festival, all over the city.

Last, but not least: it’s the 125th Anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge. NY Times City Room blog with great post on the events (by Jennifer 8. Lee).