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The last Late Night with Conan O’Brien in New York City last night – what a tearjerker. Sweet that Andy Richter came back. The week of hacking the studio to pieces. Hope for the best for Conan! Check clips on coverage.

Speaking of late night, two nights ago, Jay Leno’s Tonight Show had the A.R. Rahman doing one of his songs that got Oscar-nominated from “Slumdog Millionaire.” Tons of fun! Notably, the NY Times did a profile of Rahman – fascinating stuff.

Yeah, my reaction to the news about Mayor Bloomberg’s plan to retrain the laid-off Wall Street people went along the lines of: “Re-train them to do what? Manufacture cars or something?” This NY Times article had the suggestion of “Entertain small children.” That’s nice – so the next clown at a kid’s birthday party is an ex-Wall Street exec. Okey-dokey!
So, once in awhile, I check in on the Judge Parker comic strip on-line, but the storylines have been a bit odd. But, they finally pick up on the storyline of attorney Randy Parker succeeding his dad, the past Judge Parker, and now a new Judge Parker; today’s episode: at the reception celebrating Randy’s judgeship, guess who crashes the party? Why it’s the return of April, the love interest who left him for the CIA (the intelligence agency, not the cooking school) whose appearance in the comic strip amused me, forget that odd judiciary election campaign. Be careful getting entangled with her, Randy; you just got sworn in as judge and you don’t want shenanigans.

As noted previously (and even more previously), I’ve a bit of a crush on opera singer Juan Diego Florez. He and Natalie Dessay are going to be at the Met for “La Sonmanbula” – will it be as amazing their run of “La Fille du Regiment”? Their voices are just great!

Last, but not least: the passing of Socks, the Clintons’ cat.

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