As a follow up to weird NYC animal stories – like the dog on the ledge in the Upper West Side, there’s the story of the cat stuck in a car engine (Channel 7 has the AP version, but when they were showing the video on tv, my jaw dropped by how weird the story was; there’s also the Daily News postings here and here). I was pretty stunned by how dramatic the pictures were, but good that the kitty was ok (that is one big and furry cat, by the way).
There’s hope yet that we can save the earth with better thinking about our garbage – recycle and make less waste and so on. A huge “maybe” of course.
Didn’t make it to Homecoming this year, but – despite the loss – I think hope still springs eternal for Alma Mater.
Some NYC items:
Living in Hudson Heights (which seems to be somewhere south of Inwood and north or west of Washington Heights).
“When Love is a Schlep” – when singles in the city have to resort to relying on mass transit and the far distances of the outer boroughs (well, true, it isn’t that easy).
Sports radio fans: Mike and the Mad Dog were actually back together (scroll down to Mike and the Mad Dog reunion to listen to it on, on Friday, 10/16/09, at the Yankee Stadium playoff opener – however brief a reunion). Well, guess only the Yankees can do that: creating reunions for people’s enjoyment.
I’m behind on “Law & Order” (insert teeth gnashing) – but here’s two of the three on the Law side to give us a peak on what goes on in the behind-the-scenes (Linus Roache in his real accent):
Oh, I just adore the current NYS Lotto “Sweet Millions” ad campaign. The commercials (see below) are so adorable, and the posters of the furry animals are soooo swweeeet!
NYC Dumpling Festival 2009 featuring the 6th Annual Chef One Dumpling Eating Contest, will be held on Saturday 10/24/09 at the Sara D. Roosevelt Park on E. Houston Street from 12:00pm to 5:00pm.
starchy with filling counts, so look out!
Another friend of a
friend's book signing there: