Day: December 28, 2009
More December: A Cat and Lawyers
Odd photo in the Metropolitan Diary segment of the NY Times: man with a large cat on his head, while walking in lower Manhattan (I think it’s lower Manhattan; I recognize the background to be near B’way and Fulton). Cute kitty.
Various federal judges, as members of the Baker Street Irregulars, are quoted as having enjoyed the new Sherlock Holmes movie (as in, it’s not that bad) (hat tip to link from Sarah Weinman’s Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind).
Anthony Romero, Executive Director of ACLU, is apparently another lawyer who spends his weekends at the Hamptons; otherwise, an interesting profile on what he does on his Sundays (reading the NY Times, for instance).
On the eve of his new term, NY Times profiles Manhattan DA-elect Cyrus Vance, Jr. , through the perspective of his relationship with his father, Cyrus Vance, Sr.
On the eve of his last term, a look at Manhattan DA Robert Morganthau.