Crazily enough: the Jets have beaten Indianapolis and New England and will be playing Pittsburgh next week. Crazy!
PBS posts the view of Brianna Lee, as her father, Edwin Lee, is sworn in as interim mayor of San Francisco, the first Asian-American in the position of mayor of SF. Lee would be different than the previous mayor (and… he’s an APA lawyer!).
Brooklyn Historical Society and the 1770 Map restoration.
An interesting look at old Tavern on the Green, while it’s not in operation (or awaiting something to replace it, whatever that might be).
I didn’t even realize it: the comic strip of Brenda Starr came to an end. How sad. She was a pioneer woman journalist with the mysterious love interest in Basil St. John (the man with the eye patch) and funny friends and weird adventures. They really don’t make comic strips like that anymore. Then again, were there still readers of comic strips, much less readers of dead tree newspapers?
And, oh yes, as this is triscribe and we’re APA’s and lawyers: let’s not forget the reaction to Yale Law Professor Amy Chua’s book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” Wall Street Journal did an excerpt, which sent the APA bloggers into Red Alert. Via San Francisco Chronicle, Jeff Yang gets further perspective from Amy Chua concerning that excerpt. On, the point is that the book is a memoir, not a how-to – but, as Disagrasian notes: it’s not clear why Chua still had to take the perspective of Immigrant-1st Generation Parent to torture her kids to success – when maybe it wasn’t that necessary to take the hard line.
Sure, I suppose reading the whole book gives a better sense of Chua’s view of parenting, but still: all that controversy with the book – I doubt that Chua will cry to the bank. (though: I kind of expected that a Yale Law prof would have better sense of responsibility about all the craziness that ensued. Just sayin’).
And, because we’re APA lawyers: please note that Yul Kwon’s leaving the FCC (them’s the feds) to go back to tv (PBS, but still – tv!). He will likely not be shirtless on PBS. That’s ok. Sort of.
Slate’s Farhad Manjoo points out why we don’t need to do two spaces between sentences anymore. Sorry, but I was taught to use two spaces after a period when typing. Yes, it is an ingrained and arbitrary habit done over 20 years now. But, it’s not like I’m really wasting space. Plus, I find seeing space is easier on the eyes. But, that’s just me… 
The new horoscope sign: Ophiuchus. CNN notes that there’s more to this whole horoscope change than we think though.
So it goes, I guess. I’m not impressed by 2011 so far (besides the Jets making the universe all very weird). Maybe 2011 will get better. Eventually.