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February 2013 and Time Passing

Because this is triscribe and we are New Yorkers:

The passing of Mayor Ed Koch. See here for the NY Times obituary. The news was a sad one to hear on 1010 WINS first thing in the morning, and the realization that the quintessential New Yorker – even if you disagreed with him – is no longer physically among us.  The mayor of our youth and the road to the New York City that we know now.  Koch would be remembered for his “How’m I doing?” and his legacy – while complicated (since history is never easy) – cannot be ignored.

I’d read Koch’s movie reviews once in awhile; this NY Times item shared a couple of his hilarious reviews.  And, Koch’s curiously amusing and fascinating post-humus video interview with the NY Times, released after he died per his request, done in 2007 and how he wanted to be remembered.  He was Hizzoner.  (apologies to the NY Times, with its nice editorial and all, but I remembered reading about Koch in the hometown paper of the tabloidy Daily News).

An interesting overview and clips from Metro Focus on Channel 13 on Koch.  I couldn’t help but like the photo of Koch in front of the city landscape – with the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in the background – the past and time passing.  Different times!



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