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NaNoWriMo Day 30 – The End of NaNoWriMo

I ended and validated.  By my count, 55134, but the NaNoWriMo validator said 55,166.  Either way, a win!   It’s an urban fantasy, “The Key to Darker Thinking” and it’s a mess, but the end of the world (as we know it) was halted by magic.  For those still writing, in whatever time zone you are, keep going and validate!

For those who did it: WE DID IT, wrimos!  (you know who you are!)

And, for those who didn’t make 50k: you tried.  And, there’s next year, or pick your own month and do it!  National Novel Writing Month is something worth trying and doing.

Since I don’t know which image to post, I’m posting both.

(cross-posted at

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