And so another National Novel Writing Month (a.k.a. NaNoWriMo, a.k.a. November) comes to an end.

I made it at final count of 58,986 words; tentative title: “Masquerade: Starting Over” – a redo (more or less, with a slight sequel-ish element) to my last year’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) project. I technically “won” at 50k on Saturday, November 28, 2015, thanks to the encouragement of the folks of NYC NaNo – especially the peeps of our regional IRC chat room. I’m probably going to keep at it for a proper revision, since it’s a mess and ended with “to be continued.” (this also assumes I’ll ever learn to revise my fiction; this might the exercise that I’ve been looking for to learn to do it? We shall see!).
Anyway, Wrimos/Nano’ers – we did it again! Whether you made 50k words or didn’t, you wrote something. You tapped into creative energy, and that is good. In a world where everything’s a mess, make something positive (or positively something to you; I say that because, hey, some people like to write dystopic futures or zombie apocalypses, even though I don’t think of that as my cup of tea). That’s the spirit of NaNoWriMo!
Now, on to December.
Crap, December already?! I am so behind on writing other fiction, reading books, watching television, and resuming the war against clutter. Goodness…