Band Aids and Updates

I’ve upgraded the WordPress software to version 1.2.1; seems to be without a hitch, but let me know if you find anything wrong.

In “cover-up” news, Band Aid has announced that they will have a third remake of “Do They Know It’s Christmastime?” to raise money for African famine relief. The remake will have some of the original artists, such as U2’s Bono, but will also feature the musical styles of current artists such as Coldplay and Dido.

Code: Blue

What a bruising week! Staying up until 4 in the morning, furiously at the computer, being stressed out about politics… No, wait, that’s talking about work.

OK, if you really want to talk about the election, ultimately in my mind the process is more important than the candidates. Both Bush and Kerry would have been constrained in what they could do once elected, regardless of what “political capital” either one may have: Kerry vs. a Republican Congress, Bush with the reality of Senate filibustering and a budget full of maxed-out credit cards. I think that overall the participation and interest have been the strongest it has been in recent memory (not counting the dismal 17% showing for the 18-24 range), and right as it should be.

Unofficial draft dodging is now in vogue in the news. For those who rather be on the sidelines, Marrying a Canadian-American is an comical option. Canada is looking for 250,000 qualified men and women next year….

Morning in America?

Well, it’s some time past 3 am and Ohio is poised to being the new Florida due to provisional ballots. 130,000 are outstanding and Bush’s lead is 144,000. Bush is planning to claim victory. At least the doomsday scenerio will probably not come to pass, where Bush wins Ohio and Kerry wins the remaining states, resulting in a 269 tie. In any event, the lawyers will have at it tomorrow. Good night for now.

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