
Judge Denny Chin nominated for 2nd Circuit! Angry Asian Man posts his comment on it (which includes the White House press release).

Open House New York
, this weekend!

The radio transition in NYC on Thursday night, 8pm – WQXR signing off to a new channel, with farewell from the NY Times, as it’s about to be no longer the NY Times station. Stay tuned.

Fascinating excerpt in Daily News of Soledad O’Brien and her Long Island childhood – and how it was hard to fit in as someone who did not fit in the white majority (but tried to be as Long Island as she could anyway), until she discovered the wider world.

Fascinating story on the family tree of Michelle Obama, highlighting how rich and complex that is American history and the American identity.

Food stuff:

Fried chicken’s now the trend, regardless of regional or national origins. Mmm. Fried chicken.

NY Times’ Joan Nathan on a Jewish Canadian, David Sax, whose book “Save the Deli” – based on his blog – covers the subject of the delis and Jewish cuisine. Fascinating stuff on what transitions and assimilation – and food – work together.

Behind on tv viewing. Argh.

Post-Primary Day

I voted on Primary Day; did you?

There will be a runoff between John Liu and David Yassky in the NYC Comptroller race. John Liu could be the first Asian-American elected to citywide office. Disclaimer: I had Yassky as a prof back in law school. Further disclaimer: I’m not going to mention who I voted for.

There will be a runoff between Bill De Blasio and Mark Green in the NYC Public Advocate race.

I don’t live in New York County, so I didn’t vote in the DA election across the river. Cyrus Vance, Jr., won; there will be a new DA in NY county, ending the Morganthau era. Funny, Vance doesn’t look like Sam Waterston’s Jack McCoy… (never mind; silly joke).

At least three city councilmen have been ousted, including Alan Gerson of lower Manhattan (the district covering Chinatown) who lost to Margaret Chin. More Asians will be representing NYC in city council.

Prof. Peter Kwong answers questions on the City Room Blog of the NY Times on the gentrification of Chinatown.

WQXR will be in a new radio frequency, moving from 96.3 to 105.9
. I’m not big on change; it is weird that WNYC bought WQXR.

Change in NYC. Ah well.


And… we’re off! President Obama has nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the US Supreme Court. Best wishes for smooth sailing through confirmation in Congress (as much as can be possible) to Judge Sotomayor! We could have the first Hispanic/Latina in the S.Ct. She’s a New Yorker, too (the Bronx, specifically), who saved baseball from perpetuating that last strike – so pretty darn cool. (well, not to mention other great stuff, like having been a prosecutor and been in private practice, plus attending Princeton and Yale Law).

Much to read; hopefully I won’t drive myself up the wall with the coverage, as I was during the last bunch of confirmations. Good stuff so far, as Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick observes that it’s rather pointless to go after Judge Sotomayor for being human (therefore has feelings and stuff like that; one would think that we must have androids or Vulcans be Supreme Court justices).

But recall such fun blog posts regarding past S.Ct. nominees…

Ex., as in the days of the Alito confirmation, with us having a rather curious future – where you’re not sure who your justice is until a few years pass).

Let’s not forget the Harriet Miers stuff, much of which wasn’t all that praiseworthy (I mean, really – she was thought of as an “inkblot” – and not in a positive way; come on, she wasn’t that bad; she just wasn’t meant to be a Supreme Court justice).

Even the Ch.J. Roberts’ confirmation was as close as smooth, with the usual this-is-how-you-prepare stuff.

By the way – I’m behind on linking this, but Jeffrey Toobin’s article on Ch.J. Roberts’ incrementalism to the right is a must-read. Well-written, but a bit worrisome, depending on your politics.

Toobin does confirm that we don’t really know what we have with a justice yet (see that theory, above) – but he notes that Judge Sotomayor’s backstory kind of resembles the president who selected her).

No doubt, Obama’s taking a chance on her – as Slate’s John Dickerson notes, he knew her least of the judges on his list. Time’s Richard Lacayo analyzes Judge Sotomayor’s work in this article, coming down on how she’s seems to be moderate left of center, but on some things, we probably don’t really know.

But, that’s what makes the US Supreme Ct. so interesting, isn’t it? The odds of things happening in ways we just don’t expect – while kind of being exactly what we expect anyway – if I’m making sense at all.

Hey, who knows – maybe one day, we could be closer to having an Asian in the US S.Ct? (well, we need some more in the circuit courts, so I guess it’s one step at a time?).

Anyway, I’m going to keep reading and watching the coverage, since I’m a junkie on this stuff, but maybe I should stay away before things start to upset me (the mainstream media doesn’t seem all that good at making educational and enlightening coverage for lay people, in my opinion).

Last but not least: North Korea’s getting worrisome; and Slate’s Explainer explains that the US is technically still at war with North Korea (no final peace treaty kind of does mean there’s still something going on between two nations).