AABANY on Justin.tv AABANY on Justin.tv Source: www.justin.tv Video of “The Massie Trials” from NAPABA 2009, including my 6 line acting gig…
C-SPAN2 Live Stream – C-SPAN C-SPAN2 Live Stream – C-SPAN Source: www.c-span.org Judge Denny Chin's confirmation hearing for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals scheduled on C-SPAN2 at 2:30 EST today. http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN2.aspx
Sesame Street & The Origin of Om nom nom nom Sesame Street & The Origin of Om nom nom nom Source: www.youtube.com Cookie Monster shows Ella the correct way to eat a cookie – OM NOM NOM NOM!! Rocketboom's field correspondent Ella Morton heads over to Sesame Street in celebration of their 40th season to talk with a few furry inhabitants. … Om nom nom nom! So that's where it came from!