Happy New Year’s Eve 2020

We’re about to say goodbye and good riddance to 2020, the fire in a dumpster year. Of course, who’s to say that 2021 won’t bring on its own madness?

The year in review stuff hadn’t been much to impress me, because the year from March onward was dominated by the pandemic, racial injustice, and the presidential election. On the one hand, thank goodness Joe Biden won. On the other hand, let’s get to the inauguration and realize that there is so much hard work to do and to face. If we can commit to take better action, maybe there is still hope?

Do take a moment to reflect on those we lost this year, how we maintain and cherish the relationships we still have, and how we may still have much to hope for.

I’m re-sharing the link that I had shared back last year, December 31, 2019, on Facebook: “Start Fresh: 6 Tips For Emotional Well-Being In 2020” over at NPR. Why didn’t I follow these ideas in 2020? Well, I renew so-called resolutions for awhile now. These are still good ideas.

I took off from work today and spent much of it trying to do my last day of the year donations to all my causes. So, consider this the annual reminder that, if you can, don’t forget to do this before the year’s ends in a few hours. And, apparently, the CARES Act or whichever bill it was that had been passed is trying to encourage more donations. Donations might not be the solution, but at least we’re trying? And, anyway, consult a tax professional for the correct details on tax implications.

On a much lighter note: the year in pop culture was a mixed bag. NY metro area sports were a bust. The movies I did not see – well, so that goes. I did get to see the virtual offerings of the Asian American International Film Festival! And, Team Triscribe did enter the 72 Hour Shootout! Oh, I think that we forgot to blog about either of those items, so… maybe we should blog more in 2021…

Looking through my e-mails, I was almost impressed by this Williams Sonoma e-mail for their big warehouse sale. They’re selling a Star Wars Instant Pot/pressure cooker, which in in the same of R2D2. So cute! And, not cheap but on sale. I have no need for it, but really cute… Oh, goodness, they even have an R2D2 toaster…

Meanwhile, it’s 2021 already for some parts of the world! I still remember how 2000 was the year in which a lot of the TV channels went with a time zone to time zone celebration. There was something really amazing about that (granted, that was when the Internet wasn’t what it has become; check that out, kids). Sometimes I wish that we keep holding on to that feeling of amazement (the good kind of amazement, not the “WTF” bad kind).

I’ll likely post again later to note what I read during 2020. The pandemic ended up not being all that conducive to my reading habits, let alone my exercising habits or much else. But, here’s to hoping for all the best for 2021! Maybe? Uh… 🙂

(cross-posted at sswslitinmotion.tumblr.com)

Happy December 2020! Happy Post-NaNoWriMo 2020!

Whoo-hoo. I broke through for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) at 50,080 words on November 30, 2020, and stopped at around 11:45pm on November 30, 2020, for an end point count of 51,114 words. It is a messy murder mystery with plot holes and dangling story lines, and I really don’t know what is this draft, but I made it to 50k words!

I am far from finished and the draft needs tons of work (like massive re-haul), but I have characters that I want to revisit? I don’t know. This was a weird November 2020.

Anyway, we did it again, and you know who you are, fellow Wrimos! Regardless if you have 500 or 50k words, a story was generated and a little art (such as it is) is good for something, especially since we did this during a year of pandemic and socio-political and economic upheaval.

Not sure what December project will be next, but let’s hope that the rest of 2020 will be better. — ssw15

(cross-posted at sswslitinmotion.tumblr.com)

Election Week 2020

Well, what an exhausting Election Week, waiting for the results. Letting every valid be counted and hoping for the best (even when there’s a lot of craziness out there). I have my concerns about the Democrats’ taking majority of the US Senate and the very narrow path to get there. But, the presidential election – yep, a lot of waiting there.

Is this for real, this time? I say “this time” because I kept ignoring the reports that said that Pennsylvania was inching towards making the call. I wasn’t trusting anything until the call was made. Take a breath and don’t listen to conspiracy crap…

Joe Biden is really president-elect and Kamala Harris is vice president-elect? All forms of media are saying so, so I guess it’s real! Joe Biden, bringing us together and calling us to our ideals! Kamala Harris, making history as a woman of Indian and Jamaican descent!

Now we somehow have to make it to Inauguration Day intact!

(Thank you, Pennsylvania, for making it through Election Day 2020).

If you celebrate, stay physically-distanced because we’re still in a pandemic under this current presidential administration.

Please, let’s all come together to get past partisanship and deal with the present and get a better future, America. There are crises to face and a lot of work to do.

(cross-posted at sswslitinmotion.tumblr.com)