Every Step You Take (Redux)

Stairmaster in your future?

[I’ve recreated this article from memory. I hope it matches what I wrote.]

My mom gave me this pedometer (see picture at right) that she got from the 99 cent store. She couldn’t figure out how it works, so that’s how I got it. I wore it watching the Yankees-Red Sox game 3 (pretty violent) and Kill Bill Vol. 1 (very violent), and racked up 6800 steps, or 3 and a quarter miles. People say you should walk 10,000 steps a day. Let’s see how I do during the week. [Today, I walked under 600 steps as I didn’t leave my apartment, so I have a lot of catching up to do!]

NYU suffered a second student suicide this year. The unidentified student walked off the side of the 10th floor indoor balcony of Bobst Library, the same way as last month. Supposedly there are psychological design features to discourage jumping, such as spike patterns in the floor and cross-shaped cross-sections in the railing. Up until now it seemed to have worked, because no one had ever dared to jump from there before now. When I went there, the preferred method was walking out of dorm room windows.

How is it that the world knows that a coach was cut on the nose, but students die so anonymously?

In Hot Water

Back of the train in Brooklyn

The hot water in the apartment came back on today after being off for the last two days. It was pretty bad in this nippy weather. It was back to the concrete slab bathroom and two pots of boiled water method of bathing. I can deal with a lot of rough living and inconvenience, but not having a hot shower really bites.

In other news, the semi-final results of the recall:
1. Arnold Schwarzenegger
2. Cruz Bustamante
3. Tom McClintock
4. Peter Camejo
5. Arianna Huffington
6. Peter Ueberroth
7. Larry Flynt
8. Gary Coleman
9. George B. Schwartzman
10. Mary Carey

Proposition 54 preventing collection of racial demographic data was soundly defeated, as well as Proposition 53 allocating up to 3% of the state budget to infrastructure.

The Boston Red Sox won the first game against the Yankees 5-2 for the pennant. I’m torn between supporting New York and supporting the underdogs.